2019-2020 Academic Bulletin & Student Handbook > General Information > Board of Visitors
Cleveland Community College Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors
Calendar of Events
Al Adams
David Allen
Susan Allen
Stan Anthony
Dick Baker
Spencer Borders
Don Bridges
Doug Bridges
Robert Burns
Mark Carter
Phil Champion
Stuart Cheek
Stacy Clapper
Bill Cowen
Scott Dadson
Kim Davis
Lynn Dean
David Dear
Craig Debrew
Stan Dettloff
Collette Deviney
Gay DeVoe
Todd Douthit
Brian Epley
Shelby Evans
Jason Falls
Stephen Fisher
Tony Fogleman
Betty Gamble
Phillip Glover
Sophia Goforth
Amanda Gragg
Jay Gragg
Brian Gwyn
C. J. "Bud" Hamrick
Larry Hamrick, Sr.
Jimmy Herndon
Richard Hooker
Linda Hopper
Titus Hopper
Rick Howell
Hill Hudson
Mark Hudson
Brian Hunnell
Jack Hunt
William Hunt
Johnny Hutchins
Bobby Jenks
James Jordan
Larry Kennedy
Jeff Ledford
David LeGrand
George Litton
Carolyn Lutz
Earl Lutz
Chris Mabry
Tom Martin
Tropzie McCluney
Tom McNichol
Kerri Melton
Mark Miller
Shearra Miller
Doris Moore
Eugene Morin
Jim Morgan
Alan Norman
Dan O'Connell
Joe Ogburn
Jayne Paksoy-DeVita
Gilbert Patrick
Jancy Patrick
Kristin Reese
Vince Reese
John Reynolds
Robby Reynolds
Jay Rhodes
Sharon Robbs
Holly Robinson
Joel Roff
Lawrence Roseboro
Sally Royster
Jan Schwarck
Jackie Sibley-Newton
John Still
Kent Teague
Richard Theokas
David Thompson
William Thompson
Michelle Twiggs
Mason Venable
Bill Watson
Earl Watson
Ronnie Whetstine
Audrey Whetten
Johnny Wise
Gene Yarboro
Bonnie Zelwack