College Transfer Programs

Associate in Arts

Associate in Fine Arts

Associate in Science

Cleveland Community College offers students the opportunity to complete the first two years of various four-year college or university general education requirements. For example, students interested in the areas of study listed below can spend their first two years at Cleveland Community College qualifying for an associate degree and transfer to a four-year institution with junior class standing. A partial listing of areas of study whose prerequisites and/or lower division requirements may be met, in part or in full, at Cleveland Community College follows:

Accounting  Mathematics 
Business Administration Computer Science
Business Education Statistics
Computer Science  
EDUCATION (Teaching)  Dentistry
Elementary  Medicine
Secondary Medical Technology
Industrial Arts Nursing
Middle Grades Optometry
Physical Education Occupational Therapy
Recreation Physical Therapy
Health Pharmacy
Special Education Veterinary Medicine
Aerospace  Agriculture
Construction  Biology
Industrial Biochemistry
Chemical Chemistry
Civil Conservation and Ecology
Electrical Forestry
Electronics Microbiology
Environmental Physical Science
Mechanical Physics
Nuclear Textiles
English Economics
Journalism History
HUMANITIES Political Science
Art Psychology
Liberal Arts Social Work
Religion Sociology

A large number of students plan their programs for transfer to four-year colleges or universities. Students enroll in what is usually referred to as the transfer curriculum which offers courses that parallel those offered during the first two years at a four-year institution. Most credits earned in this curriculum may be transferred to colleges and universities as the first and second years of a baccalaureate degree program.

Cleveland Community College’s transfer program includes many courses designed to prepare students for upper division study in such fields as business, education, engineering, dentistry, law, and medicine. A specially designed general transfer sequence of courses (Associate in Arts or Associate in Science) is also available for students who have not yet decided upon a major but who intend to transfer their credits to a four-year institution.

Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university are advised to give careful attention to the following:

  1. The transferability of courses taken at Cleveland Community College is determined solely by the institution to which the student transfers. Curricula and courses have been developed to facilitate transfer of credits. However, some academic departments in four-year institutions have specific requirements which warrant special attention.
  2. Students are responsible for meeting the entrance requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer. Students should work with their faculty advisors to ensure that the courses meet the requirements of the four-year program that they wish to enter.
  3. Completion time for college transfer studies should be no longer than four semesters.
  4. Because of schedules and personal situations, part-time students may need longer periods than two years to complete their studies.

Students enrolled in the college transfer program will earn the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree after completing the prescribed hours of study.

Upon completion of college transfer programs, the student should:

  1. Write and speak with clarity and precision, in keeping with the rules of standard English.
  2. Read and interpret literature critically and analytically.
  3. Write critically and analytically in response to literary themes and ideas.
  4. Understand the relationship between the history of western civilization and one’s culture.
  5. Understand the meaning of the "multicultural" approach to history.
  6. Understand sociological principles and concepts.
  7. Understand one’s culture, the cultures of others, and their influences on individual and group behavior.
  8. Understand major psychological theories and their effects on individual and group behavior.
  9. Understand mathematical and scientific principles and concepts.
  10. Use logical reasoning to solve mathematical and scientific problems.
  11. Understand, appreciate, and enjoy physical activity and its role in enhancing the quality of one’s life.