Competitive Allied Health Programs

Competitive Allied Health programs include Associate Degree Nursing, Associate Degree Nursing Advanced Placement, Radiography, Practical Nursing, and Surgical Technology. Admission to Allied Health programs is competitive among qualified applicants according to established criteria. There is a limited application period and admissions evaluation criteria are revised and updated annually. All Allied Health applicants are required to attend an annual Allied Health information session in order to declare an Allied Health program of study. Allied Health information session schedules are available in Student Services at 704.669.4081 or online at

Selection Criteria: An admissions and selection rubric will be used to determine acceptance to Allied Health programs. Students not selected to the program may reapply for the next year by attending another Allied Health Information session.

CCC has established admissions and selection procedures to ensure students are admitted and selected in a consistent and equitable manner. The admissions and selection rubric is only intended to provide students with a checklist assisting in identifying program eligibility requirements, while outlining the admissions/selection process. This rubric is for student use only and does not serve as the official record of calculated points. Completion of these requirements will not guarantee admission to the program.

The student is responsible for making sure requirements have been met and that all materials have been received by the Admissions Office before the program deadline.

All communication regarding admissions/selection status will be sent via CCC student email. Student email is the official and preferred form of communication at CCC.