Communicable Disease Policy

Policies regarding diseases at Cleveland Community College are as follows:

Persons infected with a communicable disease will not be excluded from enrollment or restricted in their access to college services or facilities unless medically-based judgments in individual cases establish that exclusion or restriction is necessary to the health and safety of the individual or to the health and safety of other members of the College community.

Any student, College employee (either full-time or part-time) and any employee of contractors or contracted services who knows or has reasonable basis for believing that he or she is infected with a communicable disease has the responsibility of reporting this fact, on a confidential basis, to the appropriate dean or vice president.

Persons who know or have reasonable basis for believing that they are infected with a communicable disease are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated ethically and legally to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of other members of the community.