Voluntary Medical Withdrawal

In rare circumstances, a student may request a voluntary medical withdrawal due to an illness, injury, or other medical situation, occurring on or after the official withdrawal deadline, which prohibits the student from completing a course. Documentation of the illness, injury, or psychological/ psychiatric disorder from a medical professional is required prior to the approval of a voluntary medical withdrawal. The following steps shall be taken for students desiring a voluntary medical withdrawal:

  1. Students should submit medical documentation, along with the Request for Medical Withdrawal form, supporting a request for a medical withdrawal within 30 days of the last attended class unless medical documentation is provided that satisfactorily explains a longer time period. The request and documentation must be submitted before the end of the term (and end of the classes), but may be accepted as necessitated by the medical condition. The documentation must be submitted to the Vice President of Student Services.
  2. The Vice President of Student Services will review all submitted documentation and make a decision regarding voluntary medical withdrawal within 10 business days after receipt of the documentation.
  3. The decision of the Vice President of Student Services will be communicated to the student via official College student email.
  4. Students who are granted medical withdrawals will receive the grade of "W" (withdrawal) in all courses in progress and/or specified in the request.
  5. Specific conditions for re-admittance are stipulated at the time of withdrawal. These conditions may specify a minimum period of time for the withdrawal and/or may require a letter of medical clearance from a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist stating that in the professional expert's opinion the student is now capable of handling the academic and social demands of college.