Articulated Credit

Articulation is a systematic, seamless student transition process from secondary to postsecondary education that maximizes use of resources and minimizes content duplication. Students will make a seamless transition of identified courses from secondary to postsecondary education. The following criteria will be used to award college credit for identified local high school courses:

1. Student must enroll in a member institution of the NCCCS authorized to offer the applicable college courses within two years of their high school graduation.

2. High School Career Development Counselor or designee must submit Articulated Credit Approval form to Student Services for processing.

3. Student must submit an official secondary transcript to determine the college credit to be awarded.

4. Student must receive a grade of "B" or higher in the course AND

5. Receive a score of “90 or higher” on the Career and Technical Education post-assessment. (This requirement will not apply to state field tests from the NC Dept. of Public Instruction) OR

6. Receive an industry recognized credential from an approved certification organization. (NCCER, Microsoft, etc. agreed upon by the College)