Parking (Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations for Cleveland Community College)

General Information

The control and enforcement of motor vehicle conduct is necessary both for the safety of the individual and the efficient operation of Cleveland Community College.

  1. In the following information the term "campus" shall refer to that property operated by Cleveland Community College and those other properties when used by CCC for educational purposes.
  2. The term "motor vehicle" shall include all vehicles which are covered by the motor vehicle laws of North Carolina.
  3. No student with an outstanding traffic infraction may receive a transcript nor register until receiving clearance from the Business Office and paying all fines.
  4. Student parking is in the large lot on the fairground side of the campus.

Registration of Vehicles

  1. All faculty, staff and students, part-time and full-time, shall be required to have their vehicle or vehicles registered by the Business Office and to affix an appropriate decal on the driver’s side of the rear window (inside). There shall be no charge to register vehicles.
  2. Campus visitors, law enforcement vehicles, and service vehicles are specifically exempted from registering their vehicles. However, they are expected to obey all other regulations.


  1. It shall be the responsibility of the Security Committee to recommend traffic regulations to the President of the College for presentation to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  2. Enforcement of regulations shall be administered by the Security Committee.
  3. Those students assessed fines shall pay those to the Business Office. (For redress, see part IV.)
  4. The following shall be considered violations of campus motor vehicle regulations and the corresponding fine:
    1. Vehicle showing no registration $25.00
    2. Parking in improper area $25.00
    3. Double parking or blocking a legally parked vehicle $25.00
    4. Speeding in excess of 10 m.p.h. $25.00
    5. Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian $25.00
    6. Reckless driving $25.00
  5. This College reserves the right to remove any illegally parked vehicle by a College vehicle, privately owned wrecker, or other means. The violator shall be responsible for any tow charge in addition to the violation fee.
  6. The registered operator is responsible for the use of the vehicle.


  1. A committee shall be made to exist which will be known as the Traffic Violations Committee.
  2. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to determine final disposition of fines for which anyone may feel that he/she was unnecessarily charged.
  3. This committee shall be composed of the following:
    1. One member of the Security Committee, not the chairman.
    2. One member of the Safety and Health Committee, not the chairman.
    3. One member of the Student Government Association.

The Security Committee

This committee shall have the power to recommend changes in the above regulations provided the change is properly communicated to the administration, faculty, staff, and students of Cleveland Community College.