Distance Learning

Distance Learning allows students to make their course schedule more flexible. Students will use a web-browser to login to Cleveland Community College's course-management system. Our course-management system is designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching. The course-management system enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chat, online quizzes, an academic resource center, and more. The degree to which a course-management system is used in a course varies. For example, instructors may supplement an on-campus class by putting their syllabus and handouts on their course sites. In contrast, other courses may be conducted entirely through the course-management system, without any on-campus sessions.

Online Courses (OL) 401

Online courses are conducted through the Internet from home, office or campus. Online courses do require intensive reading and a high level of self-discipline, strong study habits and technical skills for successful completion. Orientation is included in the course-management system during the first week of class.

Hybrid Courses (HY) 301 - 399

Hybrid courses are a blend of face-to-face instruction and online delivery. Orientation is included in the course-management system during the first week of class.

NC Information Highway Courses (IH)

NCIH courses are delivered over the North Carolina Information Highway. The campus NCIH classroom allows instructors to teach students at distant sites and/or allows students to be able to receive instruction from a remote site. Students can interact with the instructor and other students through video monitors, microphones, faxes, telephone, and other devices. This enables face-to-face instruction, discussion, collaboration, and problem solving. NCIH also allows the college to import courses giving students access to classes that may not be available locally. Some IH instructors will use a course-management system as a way to distribute and receive course information.

Web-Assisted Courses (WB) 201-299

Web-Assisted courses are on-campus, seated courses that are web assisted. These courses meet primarily face-to-face at regularly scheduled times as outlined on the course syllabus. However, a portion of the course will be administered through a course-management system. Orientation is included in the course-management system during the first week of class.