Academic Related Courses (ACA)

Students who enroll in a college orientation-type course typically perform better in college than students who do not. Therefore, all students enrolling in a two-year degree program, either as a primary major or a secondary major, are required to take an ACA class within the first 15 semester hours of enrollment. Specifically, ACA 122 (College Transfer Success) is required for Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Fine Arts degrees. ACA 115 (Success & Study Skills) is required for all Associate in Applied Science degrees. The first 15 hours includes all attempted hours (including Developmental). Students must successfully pass ACA 115 or ACA 122 with a "C" or higher for credit. If this is not accomplished on the first attempt, the student will be required to re-enroll in ACA the following term with the following exceptions: Students who enter CCC with a two-year degree will receive credit for ACA 115, but not ACA 122. Students who enter CCC with a four-year degree or higher will receive credit for ACA 115 or ACA 122. The appropriate course will be substituted based on the student’s program of study. Career and College Promise students who have not taken ACA while in high school and become CCC students will be required to take ACA in their first semester.