Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act and Campus Sex Crime Act of October 2000

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 requires colleges and universities to inform students and employees how to learn the identity of registered sex offenders on campus. This law contains the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, which became effective October 28, 2002. Sex offender information is completed by the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, and posted at Information about registered sex offenders can also be obtained from the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department.

Persons who have been convicted of an offense against a minor or a sexually violent offense are required by law to register with the Sheriff’s office in the county where they reside. The law requires that they also inform the county Sheriff if they register for school. Notifications of registered sex offenders are public knowledge and may be found at the following sites:

North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry:

U.S. Department of Justice, National Sex Offender Public Website:

For more information on Registered Sex Offenders, please see Procedure 2.1.12 – Registered Sex Offenders.

Right to Deny Admission

The College reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any applicant during any period of time that the student is suspended or expelled from any other educational entity. 23 SBCCC 02C.0301 (d).

The College reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant if it is necessary to protect the safety of the applicant or other individuals. 23 SBCCC 02C.0301 (e) and (f).

Applicants who are refused admission have the right to an appeal. To initiate such an appeal, the applicant must submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management within five (5) calendar days after being notified of the refusal to admit. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will present the appeal to the Review Committee within (5) calendar days of receipt of the written appeal. If the student wishes to appear before the Review Committee, the request must be included in the written appeal. The Vice President will notify the applicant of the Review Committee's decision. The decision of the Review Committee shall be final with no further appeals.