Transfer Credit from Cleveland Community College

A student who desires to transfer course work from Cleveland Community College's Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Fine Arts degree programs to a four-year college or university should refer to specific college or university websites. If transferring to one of the public universities in North Carolina, students should refer to the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA). This statewide agreement governs the transfer of credits between North Carolina community colleges and public universities in North Carolina.

Associate in Applied Science degree programs are not planned as transfer programs; however, some colleges do accept courses for credit toward the bachelor's degree. Most of these colleges consider the applicant's record individually, and the courses for which credit is sought must be similar to the course(s) offered by that institution. Some colleges give credit on the basis of examinations. Any student interested in pursuing that possibility should talk with the department chair of the planned major field at the college to which transfer is desired.