Behavior in the Library

Students and visitors are asked to observe the following etiquette while in the Library:

  1. Carry a Student ID or a form of photo ID while in the Library.

  2. Be respectful of fellow patrons by keeping voices low and conversations to a minimum.  Study rooms are available for group study and projects.

  3. Move outside the Library to accept calls that require extended conversations.

  4. Vending machine snacks and drinks with caps/lids only please. All other food must be consumed in the Yeti Café/Student Lounge.  Please leave no trace.

  5. Library users must comply with the College Policy 7.2 – Internet and Network Acceptable Use nd Policy 7.6 – Peer-to-Peer-File Sharing.

  6. Library users, students, and community patrons must comply with behavior standards and orderly conduct listed in Policy 5.3.2 – Student Code of Conduct.