Student Complaint and Grievance

In order to maintain a harmonious and cooperative environment between and among the College and its students, the College provides for the settlement of problems and differences through an orderly grievance procedure. Every student shall have the right to present his/her problems or grievances free from coercion, restraint, discrimination or reprisal.

A grievance is any matter of student concern or dissatisfaction with the College’s control except: (a) student discipline matters regarding academic and nonacademic violations (Policy 5.3.2 – Student Conduct); (b) discrimination and unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence (Policy 5.3.4 – Discrimination and Unlawful Harassment); (c) a grade appeal (Policy 5.2.5 – Grade Appeal); or (d) any other matter that has a specific grievance process outlined in that policy or procedure.

For more information on student complaint and grievance, including complaints to the State of North Carolina, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and North Carolina State Educational Assistance Authority, please refer to Policy 5.3.6 – Student Grievance, visit or email